30.05.2022. » 10:50

Op-ed - Pain is pain, regardless of nationality and affiliation!

The wars fought in the past have left enormous and severe consequences on the entire society, which we still face today while trying to solve and overcome them. One of the most arduous and painful consequences of armed conflicts is the large number of people whose fate is still unknown, people who are being searched for. Missing person's families live in uncertainty, with great pain and suffering, searching for information on how they disappeared or where their remains are. Hence, resolving the issue of missing persons is one of the most crucial issues for all communities in Kosovo.


The wars fought in the past have left enormous and severe consequences on the entire society, which we still face today while trying to solve and overcome them. One of the most arduous and painful consequences of armed conflicts is the large number of people whose fate is still unknown, people who are being searched for. Missing person's families live in uncertainty, with great pain and suffering, searching for information on how they disappeared or where their remains are. Hence, resolving the issue of missing persons is one of the most crucial issues for all communities in Kosovo.

International humanitarian law guarantees us the right to know what happened to missing family members, but there is no information even after so many years. Is the nationality of our loved ones necessary to emphasize when it comes to resolving their destiny?

The pain and sufferings of every family are identical. Is the pain for Milorad or Fatmir the same? -Yes. Does every child suffer for the father, the mother for the son, the wife for the husband, regardless of their nationality? Our single and most important mission should be unity. Let all communities in Kosovo fight together. Pain is pain, suffering is suffering, and sadness is sadness. There will be no lasting and significant results if we act alone. That is why we must work together to impact the future and the next generation.

We are only humans, and we have to unite despite the politics and events of the past. It presents a need, and that need connects us. To solve the issue of the disappearance of our loved ones, we depend on each other. Life in Kosovo continues, and it is getting worse. Families do not give up, and after so many years of searching, they hope that ultimately, they will find their family members. It is of tremendous help, and in some way, a step forward to work together to influence state institutions. Let's start events and projects together to show that we can unite around raising awareness and resolving the issue of missing persons. Let us show that pain and suffering do not pass, and without each other's help, we do not move forward.

Although there has been no progress in recent years, faith and hope are not leaving us. We still hope that the common problem will be solved at the institutional level. It would mean a lot to see that the state has not given upon us. The most important thing is that we do not give up on each other, but together we should move towards a solution and better relations. We, as families with the most difficult and sensitive issue, are obliged to show that together we can overcome the past. For us, this joint strength and unity are essential to solving the issue of abducted and missing persons.

There are not many positive examples, hence why our families would not be an example for the new generations, to show that strength and togetherness give the best results. And how do we really live together, why don't we share our values, and why don't we know each other well enough? Let's do our best! Let's try!

The principal task that remains is to make sure that no child grows up without a father, that no mother grows old without a son, and that no woman spends her life wondering how she will raise children by herself. Let's try to prevent the same or similar things happen in the future, let's create a new one and solve the painful past because as we said, pain is pain, regardless of nationality and affiliation. Let's not allow our children to grow and live through hatred and intolerance, but let them grow up in a better place for each of us.

Project “Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation in Kosovo through Raising Awareness on Missing Persons Issue” is part of the project “RECOM Reconciliation Network” funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.